
Body Acne Scar


What Causes Acne Scars?

Any grade or severity of acne can result in scars based on the healing response of the skin. However, you may be at a higher risk of developing acne scars if:

If you can relate to any of the above scenarios, you are likely to have acne scars.

Treatment Options For Acne Scars At MELOCARE

Dermatologists at MELOCARE specialise in providing customised medico-aesthetic solutions for reducing all types and grades of acne scars. They may recommend the following procedures as a standalone or combination treatment based on your skin and scar type, the severity of the condition and affected area to achieve optimal results:

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Our leading aesthetician uses revolutionary USFDA-approved laser technology to stimulate collagen production in the scarred tissue.

Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Our experienced medical team may apply plant-based extracts to exfoliate the damaged layers of the skin. TCA Cross peel is a specialised treatment for minimising ice pick scars.

Micro-needling Radiofrequency

Micro-needling Radiofrequency

This advanced acne scar treatment comes with skin tightening benefits too! It involves the use of radiofrequency technology to treat acne scars and improve skin texture.



This is a minimally invasive treatment performed by our expert doctors to reduce the depth of the acne scars effectively.

Intralesional Injections

Intralesional Injections

Our professional medical team may use specialised injections to reduce the size of raised acne scars visibly.

Laser Toning

Laser Toning

This modality involves the use of advanced laser technology to reduce flatten, red and pigmented acne scars. It helps correct post-acne skin discolouration.

( The Treatments Are Tailor Made After The Doctor Has Diagnosed Your Skin )

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