
Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy
Hair Mesotherapy

Hair Mesotherapy at melocare


Mesotherapy treatment is a non-surgical alternative for hair regrowth. Mesotherapy is a procedure of providing the scalp with a boost of vitamin & improving blood flow for hair regrowth. It treats the bald patches and activates the follicles to show positive results for hair regrowth in both men & women.

Superficial microinjections are inserted just below the epidermal layer of the skin into the appropriate tissues to stimulate the mesoderm layer in the skin, which lies at a depth of about 1mm beneath the surface. This encourages the hair’s natural regeneration and proliferation process.

Mesotherapy treatment has now been used for decades to successfully restore lustre and volume to thinning hair.

The technology at the root of the treatment is based on the understanding that most hair loss problems are a result of lack of proper nutrients, reduced blood circulation to the scalp, and hormone imbalances (DHT, in particular) around the hair follicle.

For hair restoration treatments, the mesotherapy solution injected into the scalp contains a special combination of specific chemicals, minerals, amino acids, vitamins, nucleic acids, and co-enzymes specifically tailored according to the patient’s unique requirements.

The treatment restores hormone balance at a gradual pace, which enables the steady growth of new, healthy hair strands.

Hair Mesotherapy

“Big Hair ~ Big Dreams”

Do you dream about beautiful hairs; hairs which shine, are thicker, whose volume will not let you hear, and whose locks will give natural grace?

Step at “MELOCARE” to experience the regrowth of thinning hairs & strengthening of fineness of hairs with non-surgical hair treatments in India.

The answer to your hair loss treatment question is “Mesotherapy treatment in India” by MELOCARE

Significant Points & Benefits About Mesotherapy Treatment:

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