



Includes a blend of IV fluids, vitamins, and antioxidants to cleanse your body and supercharge your immune system to fight off illness.

INGREDIENTS: B-Complex Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Glutathione Push
Best Uses for Immune Boost IV

Your body needs a baseline of fluids just to clear out toxins and keep your organs functioning. During an illness, your body requires even more fluids to mount an immune response and maintain a higher metabolism. Drip Hydration’s Immune Boost IV treatments provide your body with the vitamins, antioxidants, and hydration that you need to fight off that lethargic self.

Eye Lash Lift

IV therapy to boost immune system

Your Immune System Needs a Boost to Fight Illness MELOCARE to there to help . Whether you have a cold, the flu, or another medical condition, having an illness puts extra demands on the body during the recovery process. Your body needs more vitamins and nutrients than usual to fight off your illness. Boosting your antioxidant levels can also help accelerate the recovery process.

Hydration is an essential part of recovering from illness, but it’s not always easy to drink a lot of fluids when sick, especially if you have nausea . Drinking plenty of fluids helps your body flush out toxins, thin mucus to improve your congestion, and restores fluids lost if you have been feverish. IV therapy for illness has the added benefit of hydrating you while providing essential vitamins and antioxidants.

Drip Hydration’s Immune Boost treatment contains a blend of IV fluids, vitamins and antioxidants to help kick your immune system into high gear and help you recover from your illness as quickly as possible.

How does the immune system work?

Our immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites , and more. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift through a sea of pathogens.

( The treatments are tailor made after the doctor has diagnosed your skin )

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