
LED Light Clean Up Facial

LED Light Clean Up Facial​
LED Light Clean Up Facial

What Is LED Light Clean Up Facial

When it comes to cutting-edge technology, anti ageing is the talk of the hour. While none of us can actually stop ageing, acne, wrinkles, redness, as well as puffiness, can be reduced. It’s no surprise that phototherapy can be beneficial but LED masks have proven to be one of a kind in the world. We’re happy to announce that LED MASK has made its way to MELOCARE New Delhi.

What Is LED Mask? How Does It Work?

With LED MASK, we provide a safe, pain-free way to achieve naturally vibrant and clearer skin. The device uses low-level light therapy (LLLT) by surface-mounted LED’s to expose the skin to wavelengths of light, delivered at safe, therapeutic doses. This, in turn, stimulates collagen, increases cell turnover and patients see a significant improvement in the texture of skin.

It’s a professional-strength mask, we can customize your dose of phototherapy into 10-20-30 minute sessions.
After cleaning your face, we use different combinations of light to give you the best results!

With a list of celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Katie Perry and Kate Hudson, you too now have access to the best technology that takes your facial to the next level with this LED facial.

LED Light Clean Up Facial​

Different Types Of Lights

Blue Light

1. Has powerful antibacterial properties
2. Destroys bacteria deep within follicles and pores
3. Improves congested, breakout prone skin and inflammation
4. Improves skin clarity

Green Light

1. Reduces the production of melanin
2. Lightens and reduces existing pigmentation
3. Very effective at tackling red and irritated skin

Yellow Light

1. Stimulates lymphatic system
2. Improves the skin complexion

Red Light

1. Increases the production of collagen and elastin
2. Help reduces fine lines
3. Stimulates circulation and lymphatics
4. Revitalizes the complexion

Infrared Light

1. Promotes circulation
2. Helps in scar healing
3. Improves loose, sagging skin
4. Increases skin elasticity five-fold
5. Reduces collagen loss

Most of our clients want to make the most of more than 1 light:

At MELOCARE , you can opt for a combination of these customized doses of phototherapy treatments according to what you need.

Pre & Post Treatment Care:

Since it is non-invasive, it is completely safe to use and can be a part of your monthly beauty routine. Post treatment we usually tell our patients to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen.

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