


Types of Scars

Scars come in all different shapes and sizes. Knowing the kind of scar you have can determine the type of treatment you receive. The most common types of scars are:

Effective Scar Treatment Options At MELOCARE

Once you develop a scar, it becomes a permanent part of your skin. Thankfully there are ways to make scars less visible. Common scar treatments recommended by dermatologists include:

  • Laser scar removal. For surgical scars, in particular, laser scar removal is an effective, non-invasive option for scar treatment. Dermatologists use intense light to reduce the size, colour, and shape of a scar. Different kinds of laser removal are more effective in treating one type of scar over another.

  • Chemical peels. A dermatologist will place a chemical solution over the area of your skin where scarring occurs. When the peel is removed, a layer of skin lifts away to reveal a smoother layer of skin. Chemical peels require multiple treatments and are best for surface-level scars.

  • Dermabrasion. Using a machine that looks like a small sander, a dermatologist can smooth away the top layer of your skin. Similar to a chemical peel, this treatment is a good option for smoothing a raised scar.

  • Injections. For scars that rise above your skin, injections can shrink the size of the scar and make it even with the surface of your skin. Other types of injections include dermal fillers or collagen, which fill in the area around a deep scar.

    ( The Treatments Are Tailor Made After The Doctor Has Diagnosed Your Skin )

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