
Thermal Wrap

Thermal Wrap

Thermal Wrap Fast results with minimal downtime


Thermal WRAP will heat your whole body directly compared to a sauna which will only heat about 20 percent on average. So the heat wrap can warm you faster and more efficiently than a conventional sauna, and allows you to breathe more easily. You can lose weight and detoxify your body in 30 mins.The very safe infrared can penetrate 2-7 cms into the skin, which enables the body to sweat.

How heat wrap Works?

Infrared Thermal Therapy stimulates and increases circulation helping activate the body’s natural healing and repairing processes. Far Infrared energy is absorbed very easily by the human body and is being used for detoxification programmes by Doctors worldwide.

Due to today’s high levels of stress and toxicity the body’s natural ability to heal is often compromised. Some of us have reached critical stress and/or toxic levels and we do not have the energy to detoxify or repair our bodies.

The internal production of Infrared energy that normally occurs within our tissues and is associated with a variety of healing responses will respond to the boost given by Infrared Rays.

The Infrared Rays will be selectively absorbed by those tissues needing a boost in their output. So for healing and detoxification to occur successfully we often require a boost of Infrared energy to maximise healing responses. Thermal energy will rise, tissues will become more active and the pace of metabolism will increase. It is almost like re-charging the body’s battery.

Infrared Rays Do Not Damage Skin

The Heat Wrap / Thermal Wrap Control will be turned on and let it warm up for 5-10 minutes before you lie down in your blanket on a treatment bed. You will feel a deep heat radiating from within as your body begins to expel waste and starts thermogenesis!

The heat wrap contains multiple Infrared emitting points throughout its surface. It makes no noise but will slowly begin to send warming Infrared heat into your target areas.

During the session you may listen to relaxing music or simply lay there with the lights out and rest. Don’t worry about falling asleep, many people do. It is very relaxing. Have a towel and water close by to rehydrate during your session if desired. After the session your body will continue to be at an elevated metabolic state and continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours.

So that your body does not become dehydrated you need to drink lots of water the same day of your treatment. This water consumption is important and will not take away from the benefits of your treatment! A light 20 min daily exercise or brisk walk along with a high protein diet is most effective!

Typically after 20-30 minutes you will begin to sweat. Most people will sweat a lot during the treatment, this is your body metabolizing calories and purging out toxins.

You are given a glass of water after your treatment.

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  • Detoxifies and burns fat.
  • Quickens the breakdown/splitting of fats. Removes unwanted fats in your tummy, waist, Great for Wedding Prep.
  • Extracts waste from the body .
  • Speeds up metabolism and enhances absorption of nutrients, Improves the function of your organs, e.g. Liver intestine and stomach.
  • Acts as physical therapy for myalgia and neurosis. Balances the autonomic nervous system and has a beneficial effect on sore muscles, lactic acid and the liver.
  • Improves the immune system
  • Diminishes inflammations and aids in Post Pregnancy recovery.
  • Promotes sleep and sleepiness.
  • The pressure on your spine is halved when you are lying down. Your muscles will be loosened and your whole body relaxes.
  • Your blood circulates better and the strain on your heart is reduced. Your capillaries are expanded while oxygen is flowing throughout your body. This can help stretch mark reduction.

Procedure time:30 to 40 mins


Duration of results:3 to 4 weeks

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